
Sticking to a new meal plan is all about the prep

Week 2 on Jenny Craig's Rapid Results Program

By Kelly Bevan McIlquham, Publisher, Berkshires Macaroni Kid March 25, 2020

Thank you Jenny Craig for sponsoring this post. Can a test help you learn how to best lose weight, based on your genetic profile? Try Jenny Craig’s most customized plan ever and learn more about how you can best work with your body to lose weight.

Week 2: Feb. 21-27

When starting something new — a new book, a new course, a new exercise routine, or meal plan — I jump right in with gusto. Only to fall off the wagon a week or two later because I ran out of fresh fruits and veggies in the fridge, hit the snooze button one too many times and no longer had time to work out, or got caught up in a reality series so the book now sits on my nightstand unopened and neglected. But when I began Jenny Craig I promised myself this wouldn't be the case. I had a weekly support and accountability call with my consultant. I had my food at the ready, plus a few items on hand in the fridge, and a husband who volunteered to pick up anything I needed.

But I also knew from past experience that I had to get really good at planning ahead to be successful. The first week was easy. I holed up in my house and didn't deviate from a single meal on my pre-planned menu compliments of Jenny Craig (the benefits of working from home). But I couldn't do this forever. I had to continue to live while I'm on the program. I had to see friends, run errands, attend meetings, and this week, I had to drive an hour and 45 minutes and back to meet another MacKid publisher. So making a game plan to make sure I adhered to the meal plan at these times was essential.

I also knew as I transitioned to the new Reduced Carb Menu planning ahead would be even more important. I couldn't just grab a Jenny Craig Bar and run out the door, those would no longer be on my menu. There weren't any more sandwiches on the menu to make for an easy lunch on the go. So I implemented a strategy to keep me on track and you can find some of my suggestions below.

Excited to have this Chicken Ranch Melt on my menu in Week 2. It was so so good!
Disappointed to know that it will no longer be on the Reduced Carb Menu 1 I'll be switching to next week.

Tips for Planning Ahead:

Get a thermos — if you don't have one there's plenty of inexpensive options online and in department stores. This way if you don't have access to a microwave to heat up your meal at mealtime, you can heat it up before you go and eat a nice hot lunch when you need it.

Leave plenty of time to prepare — Whether you pack the majority of your snacks and meals the night before or get up a little earlier to do so, don't leave packing until the last minute. There's a better chance of forgetting something when you do.

Swap days — Jenny Craig lets you swap menus as long as you eat the entire day's menu and don't piecemeal meals from a variety of days. That means if there is a day that has more portable options for the times you need them, you might want to switch to one of those menus on the day you are traveling or heading out of the office or to a playgroup. The Cranberry Barscotti for breakfast or the Tuna Dill Salad Kit for lunch might be better on-the-go options for example.

Set an alarm — When you're traveling, with friends or in a meeting it's easy to forget snack time or lunch. If possible set an alarm to remind you it's time to eat that snack, drink more water, or heat up that meal.

Give yourself a break and make good choices — Even with the best of planning, we forget things. We're human, it happens. If this happens to you, be easy on yourself and choose a healthier option if possible. Before heading into a bookstore one day, I realized I had no Fresh and Free Addition in case I got hungry. I ran into the grocery store nearby to grab some mini carrots to snack on if I got hungry. Crisis averted.

I was so glad I planned ahead for when traveling to see a friend. It made sticking to the Jenny Craig Rapid Results Plan that day a breeze.

My pre-planning seems to be working, too. After 2 weeks I'm down 5 pounds (* Avg. weight lost in study was 11.6 lbs./4 wks. for those who completed the program. I received promotional consideration) and I couldn't be happier. Now I have to go and start planning for next week, I'm beginning the new meal plan in full and it's my birthday .. so big celebrations are ahead.

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This post was sponsored by Jenny Craig but the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.