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BEAT will host two activities at our Environmental Leadership & Education Center on Saturday, April 20, to celebrate Earth Day this year!
One activity will be indoors and focus on advocating for state environmental bills by writing letters and making cards to send to state legislators. Join us to take action in this accessible and powerful way and learn about the legislative process and the impact of citizen involvement at state and local levels! Please bring any letter-writing supplies you have (e.g., stamps, cards, envelopes, etc.).
The other activity will be outdoors and hands-on. BEAT’s Center sits on the edge of the west branch of the Housatonic River. The riverbank right behind our building is overrun with invasive plant species. This isn’t uncommon, as you likely know; many natural areas are becoming increasingly dominated by these non-native, overly-competitive species that hinder our native species and ultimately cause ecological harm. That’s why BEAT is restoring the riverbank behind our building, and we would love your help!
Both activities will start at 10:00 AM and finish around noon on Saturday, April 20. Then, we’ll all have some lunch provided by BEAT!
PLEASE RSVP (email so we know how much food to purchase. And please let us know if you have any dietary restrictions that we should keep in mind.
DATE: Saturday, April 20
TIME: 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM (lunch around 12:10 PM)
LOCATION: BEAT’s Environmental Leadership & Education Center, 20 Chapel St, Pittsfield, MA
All ages and abilities.
Free; registration requiredHow
PLEASE RSVP (email so we know how much food to purchase. And please let us know if you have any dietary restrictions that we should keep in mind.